
At home Gandhi found that the government had returned to the policy of repression. There were widespread arrests and the government seized the properties and bank balances of people and organizations that were hostile to their interests.
Early in 1932 Gandhi wanted to meet the new Viceroy Lord Willingdon, but the Viceroty made it clear that the days of negotiation were over.
Gandhi informed the authorities that he was again starting a civil disobedience campaign. The Viceroy thought it was a threat. He had Gandhi arrested imprisoned in yerawada Central Jail. Several other leaders and many of Gandhi’s followers were also arrested and sent to jail.
In March the struggle entered a new phase. Gandhi had always insisted that the untouchables were a part of the Hindus and must be treated as Hindus. Now, however, it was announced that the British proposed to set up separate voting for the untouchables. That meant that untouchables could vote only for members of their own caste.

Gandhi regarded the Hindu religion as one and indivisible. He saw the game the British were playing. It was an attempt to weaken Hindu society.
“Separate treatment of untouchables cannot be allowed,” declared Gandhi. “Here is an attempt to make untouchability last forever. Unless untouchability is destroyed we can never have self-government.”
“But what can you do about it now?” asked a friend.
“I will resist this evil provision with my life,” said Gandhi.
Gandhi announced that he would soon start a fast unto death unless the plan for separate electorates was changed. The public announcement of his intention threw the country into panic. The Indian leaders were shocked at Gandhi’s decision. Even Jawaharlal Nehru thought that he was taking a drastic step on a side issue.
During the time between the announcement and the day when Gandhi’s fast was to begin, streams of visitors arrived at Yerawada Jail. The authorities, anxious to avoid any tragedy, allowed everyone to have free access to Gandhi. But all efforts to dissuade Gandhi from fasting were of no avail. The die was cast. Gandhi would fast.
Tagore sent him a telegram: “it is worth sacrificing precious life for the sake of India’s unity and her social integrity. Our sorrowing hearts will follow your sublime penance with reverence and love.”

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