Congress session in Nagpur

On December 26, the Congress session was held in Nagpur. Though there were signs of opposition to Gandhi’s policies, his resolution was passed with an overwhelming majority.
The adoption of the new programme at Nagpur was the signal to start the mass movement. Gandhi felt that the complete boycott of all government organizations would give a chance to the Congress to set up a parallel organization, a State within State, which would lead India to Swaraj.
The Duke of Connaught was sent to India in 1921 to try to pacify the Indians. He came to open the four legislatures in the country which had been introduced as a result of the reforms announced by the King. His coming and going passed off without any material change in the attitude of Indians towards Britain.
Gandhi travelled far and wide, propagating the ideals of non-violence and non-cooperation. Day by day the Indians were getting more and more excited over carrying out Gandhi’s programme. Many students left their institutions, many officers resigned from their poets.

The boycott movement gained momentum.
As the people’s morale grew, the morale of the government went down. Repression started. Gandhi advised the people weaknesses of the Indians and he urged them to improve. He wanted social reforms and constructive work to be intensively followed.
It was announced that the Prince of Wales was to visit India. Functions were arranged at many places to enable him to meet his loyal subjects.
Gandhi was indignant when he read the announcement in the newspapers.
“Do the British think we are children?” he said. “Do they believe that parades for the Princes will make us forget atrocities in the Punjab or the perpetual delay in granting us home Rule?”
On Gandhi’s advice the Congress declared that all parades receptions and celebrations in honour of the Prince were to be strictly boycotted.
“we have no grudge against His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales,” said Gandhi,” but our ideas are against him as a symbol of oppression. We can show the world that such non-cooperation’s is just the reverse of the European doctrine of the sword. Let us act in accordance with the  holy prophets of old. Non-cooperation without violence is the battle of the brave.”
Fearing that there would be disorder when His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales visited various places, the government began severe acts of suppression. Thousands of people were arrested.
The Indian people were so agitated that in city after city there were bonfires, and these bonfires were heaps of foreign cloth, especially British cloth, that was burnt.
On November 17, 1921, the Prince of Wales landed in Bombay. Loyal stooges of Britain went to greet the royal visitor. Those who were observing non-violent non-cooperation and not attack them. However, passion suddenly blazed out. Religious and political hatreds fanned the flames. Riots started, many were killed, much property was destroyed. There was panic in the city.
Gandhi was in Bombay and he rushed to the scene of disorder to stop the rioting. Order was finally restored.
“Every man has the right to his religion and his own political opinion. Satyagraha will never succeed until man understands that,” Gandhi announced bitterly.
In other cities the boycott of the Prince’s visit was peaceful. As the unfortunate Prince of Wales visited city after city, he was greeted with empty streets. Not a shop was open. The people remained behind closed doors and drawn curtains. This infuriated the British and they called upon the Government of India to mediate.
Motilar Nehru, Jawaharlal, and other leaders were arrested and sentenced to various terms of imprisonment. Yet the determined courage of the people did not abate. They were ready to suffer any penalty for the cause of Home Rule.
Demands had been made to Gandhi that he should start a mass movement for the attainment of Swaraj.
Gandhi decided to act. Preparations were made to startsatyagraha in Bardoli. But Gandhi had to ship the campaign suddenly because of what had happened in Bomaby and other places.
In Chauri Chaura, near Gorakhpur in U.P. some policemen fired on a crowd which was holding a demonstration against the government. This annoyed the demonstrators to such n extent that they became very violent. They chased the police. The police took refuge in the city hall. The angry mobs surround the hall and set it on life. Some policemen were burned to death. Others, trying to escape, were killed by the furious mob outside.
Gandhi was very upset. He thought that it was clear that the people were still not prepared for satyagraha. He stopped the intended satyagraha at Bardoli. His co-workers did not agree with him, but he was adamant. He wanted his followers to start constructive programmes.
Many Indians were sorry for Gandhi’s action. They thought that Swaraj was now within their reach and the movement should therefore continue.
The government was playing a waiting game. Instead of thanking Gandhi for stopping the mass movement, they arrested him on charges of sedition and sentenced him to six years’ imprisonment. He was removed to Yerawada Central Jail in Poona.

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